7 of the Best Perennials for Summer Landscaping

When preparing your summer landscaping, you will need to decide which plants will work best for the area. You will want to consider the soil conditions, sun versus shade, and what types of flowers do best together. You will need to loosen up some dirt using a tiller and a rake. Be sure to follow the directions for planting the bulbs to assure a long lasting life of your perennials.The following is a list of seven of the best perennials for you to consider:


These plump perennials will bloom in the spring and continue to brighten up your garden all through the summer months. With the color variations of pink, red, white and yellow, these flowers will accent the lining of your walkway, or serve as a delightful border along the front of your garden. Once these flowers are planted, they will continue to bloom year after year. Peonies have been known to outlive some humans, with a lifespan of up to 100 years. They are not high maintenance and will be happy soaking up the full sun of the day, but they will not be sad cooling off in the shade for a little while.


A bright, array of pleasure reflects from the soft petals of the daffodils as they bloom throughout the garden in the spring. Plant the bulbs in the fall and these stout perennials will easily grow throughout North America, with the exception of Southern Florida, where it might not be as easy. The strong stems will hold up to twenty daffodils, each opening up with six leaves of yellow, orange or white. In the middle of the bloom sprouts a tiny, single flume shaped petal. Sometimes they require a stake to help them grow up straight when the stems become too heavy. They enjoy the sun, but will tolerate some periodic shade. These flowers make a delightful border and look attractive growing between the shrubs. Add some Daffodils to a bouquet for an elegant arrangement.


The birds and the butterflies enjoy these star-shaped perennials. With many different varieties to choose from, the Phlox is a favorite landscaping addition. Spreading colors of pink, red, white and blue, these wildflowers offer an array of choices and are very easy to care for. Plant these flowers in a full or partially sunny area, either way, they will spread color and fragrance throughout the garden to enjoy all spring and summer long. These flowers provide plenty of ground cover and can be cut into a beautiful arrangement for the table.

Black-eyed Susans

These attractive wildflowers are members of the sunflower family. The bright yellow flower houses a brown eye in the center with a hint of purple. These flowers prefer to be alone in a large garden full of sunshine and will delight with pleasure from June to October. They will grow to stand 3 feet tall, with 6-inch leaves. The hardy stalks grow over 8 inches long with a flowering diameter of 2 to 3 inches. Butterflies, bees and other insects enjoy drinking the nectar from these flowers. These flowers make attractive landscaping borders, will grow in containers and can be cut into fresh arrangements


These colorful flowers show off their trumpet shaped forms from early spring until the first frost. When the bulbs of these flowers are planted in the right spots, they require little maintenance. They appreciate the full sun of the day and will be happy to please with their variety of bright colors such as orange, pink, white and yellow. Add them as a natural setting to any landscaped area, watch them bloom in containers or cut them into an elegant bouquet.


These attractive plants make a great addition to any garden. Easy to care for, these perennials come in a variety of variegated greens, from deep to light and even white. They enjoy the shade, but will tolerate some sun depending on the color. These plants will be fully mature within four to eight years and will continue to come back hardy year after year. Hostas make a delightful border and blend in the garden well with other flowers nearby.


These attractive flowers will be eye-catching in the fall and again in the spring and summer months. These blue, pink and white flowers grow to 8 feet tall and will tolerate the sun and drought. Easy to care for, the Veronica flowers will make perfect ground cover and borders while giving the birds a place to rest. These flowers will add a special touch to any bouquet.

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